Hero's school had a dress up as your favourite book character day. Which i only found out about 1 day before! But we pulled something together, (Pipi Longstocking ) and as you can see we got a couple of elements right. It was a big success and Hero thought it was: "The best day ever" at school!

They also had a parade which was a nice touch and all the younger siblings got to participate. Banjo choose to dress up as a 'skeleton Pilot!' I'm still yet to find a book that he might feature in! He would go up to all his friends with excitement unaware that they had no idea who he was and what he was! It was quite funny.
His mate Oscar was Max from 'Where the wild things are'.
Iggy love it all too. He is not intimidated by large crowds, he just loves to be involved. You can see him sitting with his sister, not for comfort, and reassurance, but so he could participate also! It was a very sweet moment to capture.
After the parade the teachers lined up for a photo and Iggy was most interested, so he walk over to the group un fazed that the whole school was behind him and watched on. I guess it was a strange sight!