Thursday, December 22, 2011

Lets recap....

Since this time last year we;
  • moved down to Barwon Heads. So..
  • the kids started new schools and kindergarten, then..
  • we decided to expand our family to 6, then decided to..
  • cancelled our Brunswick renovation and stay put. Then..
  • packed up the brunswick house entirely and rented it out just before we...
  • bought a holiday rental and furnished it with only days left before high summer, and
  • embark on a smaller reno at Sunnyside to accommodate the new arrival and general growth of the family! 
  • There was also the family trip to Byron Bay, mid year family skiing holiday and my very extravagant trip to Europe! 

We all know how fast time goes by but i really feel like we have had to work through some really big life decision and changes, which made this year memorable, and also bonded us as a family unit very tightly. All our decision have been hard ones , but have also felt right. And i can truly say this feels like home.

Jem and I are supper excited about the arrival of bubs, and we cant wait to find out how this little one will shape our family.

As i right this i have 4 weeks till my due date and i am feeling fantastic! Cant believe it really. I think in my post The Third Trimester is was feeling really apprehensive of how i would go towards the end, but i am still really comfortable and relaxed. Lets hope the final stage goes as smoothly!

As for the older kids;

This is Banjo with his mates at his Kinder breakup. Gabe is in the middle and Remy. He is very close to his mates, when i look at this picture i cant help but try to imagine them as teenagers. It is a big step in a little boys life, leaving kinder for school and i am really proud of Banjo and how far he has come socially.

The small town aspect has been great in relation to kinder/school transition. There is only one kinder and one school, so all his friends move on together. There is no goodbyes, and difficult explanations about why you wont get to see your friends much now. This has made him extra confident about starting school.

Hero has also had a big transition with starting a new school, but is thriving now!

This photo was taken today on the last day of school where she received one of only 2 awards given out in her class. She was so excited and proud, and so was I. She is a joy to watch as she guides through school, and i am so grateful that her personality and strength was rewarded for her effort this year.

So after all the year has brought i am looking forward to,

  • lazy mornings
  • watching the kids frolic in the sea
  • some quite dinners with Jem while the kids are being babysat
  • eating ice-cream in the hot afternoon sun
  • having friends come and visit
  • having family bike rides along the river at dusk
  • and of course meeting the new addition to the family!

So until a bit later in the New Year, that is what i will be doing. What about you?!

Merry Christmas